Category Archives: Customer Feedback

What PKP has done for me

I went for my first PKP session in 1989, hoping for some improvement in my ability to breathe – I had been diagnosed with asthma in my late teens, and it was getting worse with the stress of spending my time juggling all the roles that 20th/21st century woman has to cope with.

That first “balance” was like nothing I had ever tried before, and yet at some level my body seemed to completely understand what was going on. I did the required homework for 3 weeks, and hey presto, my breathing improved! Continue reading

I just didn’t feel right

About 6 years ago I went to the doctor because I just didn’t feel right. Being a farmer’s daughter, I had always been strong and physically fit, but for some reason every time I began to exercise seriously, I would come down with a cold or something and be ill for a week. My gums were not in a good state either (they bled a lot), I was constipated and although I looked OK on the outside, things were obviously not so good on the inside – blood tests and scans though showed there was nothing wrong. Also, for a variety of reasons, neither of my kids were happy at school and were becoming extremely angry. So, thinking they had the problem I took them to a Homeopath for help. She actually listened to the kids (something I was not so good at at the time) and my youngest said out loud, in front of the Homeopath, “Mum – get a life”… he was about 12 at the time!Continue reading