Alison Finlay

Alison is a practitioner who works with individual clients and runs her own clinic in Glasgow.
Alison is a language graduate and spent her corporate career in senior marketing roles.
Since 1999 her career took a different direction when she set up her own business in natural healthcare having undertaken 3 years extensive training in Kinesiology.
During the past 20 years she has worked with clients on a 1-1 basis to enable them to achieve career and personal success. Alison has the ability to quickly build relationships with people which facilitates powerful change in them with great results.
She has run workshops and given many talks to groups of people.
She loves getting to the bottom of people's stories and really understanding what their journeys have been like to get them to where they are now.
Seeing and getting involved in the inner resourcefulness and use of people's innate wisdom and using this to take them to the next step to move forward is what gives Alison great pleasure and satisfaction from the work that she does.
Location: Glasgow
- ICPKP Post Graduate Diploma in Kinesiopractic® 2013
- Professional Kinesiology Practitioner
- Member of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners
- Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Coaching (Strathclyde Business School 2009)
- Diploma in Marketing (CIM)
- MA (Edinburgh University)
Company: Alison Finlay Kinesiology
Position: Practitioner
Phone: 0141 638 7833
Mobile: 07775 837033
Make an Appointment: Book Here
Facebook: Alison Finlay Kinesiology
Social: Alison on Twitter
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Customer Comments: Alison Finlay
Physical Pain
"Shoulder is feeling great. The pain in the shoulder went during the session and it now feels comfortable most of the time - just still a tiny tiny bit of cold burning sensation in the evening at the end of a long day - but gone again by the morning. So thanks for that. Obviously I'd taken 'shouldering responsibility' a bit too literally.
I wanted to ask if you have a list of people like you around the world? I have a friend in Canada who needs an Alison! I just wondered if you knew of an association or something where we might get hold of someone who can help him?"
"It shouldn't amaze me (although it continually does) , just how much our physical bodies and mental attitudes seem to be tied up. After our session on Friday, there was almost immediately a marked improvement in the pain in my teeth and by Sunday I went 12 hours without needing a painkiller. And the intensity of pain when I do need to take one is slackening off - mostly it's just got very uncomfortable rather than really really sore. So that's helped on that front."
Exam Nerves
"Hi there, I just wanted to thank you so much for helping me. The flower essence helped me so much with my exam nerves and I was able to be more focused and calm. I will definitely be getting more for my exams in May and I think some of my friends will as well when they saw the positive effect it had on me!"
Confidence at School
"I just wanted to let you know how much you helped me with my friends at school. Morgan has been really nice, so me, Morgan, Kirsty and Megan are all best friends now and are doing lots of things together like sleepovers. We've all got dowsing crystals so we have something special in common, we're called The Crystal Club. It feels great to be part of a group so thank you very much for your help. I would like to come and see you again because I really enjoyed talking to you and I'd like to get another flower essence to keep me feeling confident."