Katie Rossi

Katie is an ICPKP Kinesiopractor®, ICPKP Faculty member and K Power® Instructor, with clinics in Essex and Suffolk.
Katie's formative years were influenced greatly by life and involvement on her parents small dairy farm in Essex. The emphasis was on health and production from the small herd of Pedigree Jersey Cattle and the land that supported them.
After moving to Barkingside, her own loss of health, that could not be explained by the medical profession, resulted in Katie looking for alternative ways to improve her health. It was at this time that she was introduced to the power of Kinesiology.
Many parallels appeared from her life as a farmer and that of life as a wife and mother. Basically this is that when any system comes under stress (whether that is animals, land or humans) it is unable to realise its full potential and is unsustainable.
After completing her certificate in PKP Kinesiology with Dr Eardley, Katie continued her study with Denise Gurney to complete her ICPKP Post Graduate Diploma in Kinesiopractic®.
Katie is an ICPKP Faculty member (Fac 1) and a K Power® instructor.
Location: Suffolk
- ICPKP Post Graduate Diploma in Kinesiopractic®
- ICPKP Faculty
- K Power® Instructor
- Senior Member of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners
- Bach Flower Registered Practitioner
- HND Agriculture
Company: Katie Rossi - ICPKP Kinesiopractor®
Position: Practitioner/Teacher
Web Site:
Email: katie@katierossi.uk
Mobile: 07886 373 282
Customer Comments: Katie Rossi
PD, 2011
"I went to Denise after every doctor that I spoke to just offered me more pain killers and no solutions for my back injury. After just one visit, I was free of pain and have remained so ever since. I cannot recommend Denise enough! If you have despaired of the NHS and expensive private clinics, give Denise a call, trust me, you will not regret it."
AB, Managing Director
"Having known Denise for some little while, I’d thought of her as a highly recommended Life Coach. The reality goes far beyond; PKP is a process which puts you in charge of your physical wellbeing, and harmonises with your goals, ambitions and aspirations. If you’re seriously looking to really change things in your life, or simply looking for balance, then you owe it to yourself to invest a few hours in seeing what can happen. It will really make a difference…it has for me."
JA, Independent Financial Advisor
"I am writing to thank you for the Kinesiology work you carried out on me. The whole process was fascinating and very impressive. I must also thank you for your patience when I was asking you to repeat parts of the process as I could not believe the changes to muscle effectiveness that were happening so quickly. I have recommended to several friends that they come to see you for help with a range of ailments, and shall continue to spread the word on your behalf!"
CW, Personal Assistant
"Thank you for being so flexible, thoughtful and encouraging…for everything. So much you have taught me and yet my most precious lesson is that transformation can be fun; especially when we use the tools we now have at our fingertips."
BR, Rubenfeld Synergy Therapist
"Denise has been a huge gift in my life. You’ve shared your amazing creativity, intuition, knowledge, vibrancy of life, continued optimism and your huge and open heart. Thank you for the huge amount of support you’ve given on so many levels, for just being there. Your constant enthusiasm and zest for life are so refreshing. Your appetite for learning and sharing the new. Thank you for not judging, for just being there, a strong and grounded anchor."
MB, retired nurse
"Thank you for all that you have done for me and ‘mine’. You have been wonderful, spreading knowledge, kindness and ‘up front’ honesty in all that you do. You have been such a positive force for good."