Mischa Haddow
I qualified in Kinesiology with ICPKP and developed ‘The Soul School’ in 2016, after having great personal success from receiving balances.
After finding that 13 years of chasing good health and a happy family on my own challenging journey did not yield the results that I’d hoped for, ICPKP gave me real insights into discovering my own healing path, on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. I was blown away by the results.
With a combination of Professional Kinesiology, trauma awareness and healing, epigenetics healing, nutrition, family constellation and spiritual connection, we are able to identify and release patterns of illness or sabotage that can last generations.
All of us are unique and we honour this and the journey that your specific soul has been on. We tune in and listen to the messages that your soul wants you to hear; whether it’s releasing deep past hurts, connecting to life in the present, or manifesting future dreams and abundant lives, we help you to identify and to realise what will truly make your soul shine.
A program designed by you, for you and honouring the fact that ‘you are your own healer’. We help you to access the ‘healer within.
Location: Ollerton, Knutsford
- Professional Kinesiologist ( International College of Professional Kinesiology Practise )
- Reiki Master
- Therapeutic Art
- Emotional Freedom Techniques
Company: The Soul School
Position: Principal
Website: thesoulschool.com
Email: Mischa@thesoulschool.com
Mobile: 07876 612350
Customer Comments:
We were not a happy little family (of 3) when I first met Mischa. Our young son was really struggling to find his place and feel safe in the world. He was extremely stressed, controlling and anxious. This was invading all areas of his life including school and peer interaction in a very negative way. It affected all 3 of us in our family dynamic. I had carried out quite a bit of research concerning autism/behaviour. It was clear to me that I did not wish to go down a mainstream route for support. While our son was receiving some good ‘alternative’ help, somehow there were deeper issues that needed addressing, a missing link. I was struggling as ‘things’ were becoming pretty unbearable and I did not know how to move forwards.
Now, 5 months since that first meeting and with a lot of concentrated focus, we are in a new space. Mischa has helped guide us here. Her love and wisdom give space, light and hope. Mischa’s insights and healing qualities/abilities are rich. She quietly shares and is thorough in her search for answers as she follows the thread which is revealed. The process is by no means easy – it can open up a can of worms. Mischa’s words still ring in my ears – “it could get a lot worse before it gets better”. And, it certainly did! However, if one has the courage to persevere, to listen to the messages, read the signs and trust, things will shift. I know ‘the becoming worse’ was all part of the bigger picture to now.
It is not that “all is solved”. The work continues and the process goes on. We are moving forward for our little family in ways I would not have imagined possible around 11 months ago when I first shared my concerns with staff at our son’s previous school. Things are shifting. Patience, small steps, a day at a time, trusting in the energy of the Universe and above all remembering love.