Susan Traynor

Since gaining her diploma in kinesiology in 1995, Sue has been treating clients in her successful private practice & more recently at the Lifehouse Country spa retreat.
Always being interested in health & human physiology, Sue started her career as a registered general nurse gaining experience in acute medicine, surgery & intensive care becoming a sister of a coronary care unit & high dependency unit. She continued her profession as a teacher practitioner & later district resuscitation-training officer.
From an early stage in her career, she noticed how our thinking, feelings & beliefs could affect our health, often seeing patients with the same condition take totally different paths in their recovery. When introduced to kinesiology, it was if a light bulb had gone on. She loved the fact it treated the whole person, taking into account mind body & emotions. Her interest in complementary therapies grew & she trained & qualified in a variety of related therapies. She now specializes in kinesiology, body realignment, and aromatherapy.
Her main aim is to improve her client’s general health & wellbeing. Sue has experience in treating a wide variety of problems & conditions in all ages from small babies to the elderly. She has worked with some members of the British shooting team as well as professional golfers helping to improve their performance.
Location: North East Essex
- Diploma in Kinesiology
- Touch for Health Instructor
- MIFA Aromatherapist
- Person Centered Counseling
- Nurse Teacher
- Clinical Nurse teacher
- General Nurse
- Certificate in Education
Sue Traynor Optimum Health & Wellbeing
Position: Practitioner/teacher
Number: 01255 862 304
Mobile: 07932 188 459
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